Blog the Sprog

It's a very weird thing, making a person. I honestly never thought I'd do it, but here we are... so I'm gonna tell it like it is. It's a very scary and exciting time. Yikes!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Enjoyment is relative

Apart from everyone asking how I'm feeling all the time (thanks for the concern, and in an effort to stop sounding like a whining bitch I'm now just saying "ok" regardless of the truth), the most common question or comment I get is:

"But are you enjoying it?"
"But you must just enjoy it!"

Here's the deal. Pregnancy is NOT FUN.

Maybe for the lucky few who have NO symptoms and just sail through it (these are the ones who invariably end up having like 6 kids! No wonder...), it is enjoyable. I can't relate.

Apart from the constant nausea, sore breasts and tiredness, here are some other lesser known side-effects that I am either already experiencing, or might be soon...

Feeling too hot all the time
Needing to urinate ALL the time
Weird cramps in the pelvic area as the uterus expands
Smell over-sensitivity
Bleeding gums
Leg numbness and pain (sciatic nerve stuff)

Not to mention the constant search for cool and comfortable clothes... maternity wear is not only pretty much unaffordable, it is mostly REALLY UGLY!

C'mon people - we feel bad enough already, do we really have to wear pastel, hideously patterned tents too?

That being said, I really DO enjoy about 5 minutes a month when I get to see the sprog moving around on the screen in the doctor's room. Makes it kinda worth it I guess...


At 6:28 AM, Blogger A shade of Red said...

LOL... but you wanted the sprog!!
I have heard of most of the stuff on your list of preggy effects but omg, what is with the bleeding gums.... YUCKY! Fully appreciate how you feel about the pastel tents - it's just wrong!

At 4:15 AM, Blogger ShanaK said...

Hi Dori

Thanks for the tip to come here...and share your frustrations! It does seem grossly unfair somehow that some women glow through it all and others suffer - go figure!

We're thinking of doing the sprogget thing next year, so I shall read with interest about all your experiences.

Hang in there - you get a cool kid at the end of it.


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