Blog the Sprog

It's a very weird thing, making a person. I honestly never thought I'd do it, but here we are... so I'm gonna tell it like it is. It's a very scary and exciting time. Yikes!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oh dear... I've neglected my blog again

So Amy's now 3 years old and so much has happened since I last wrote anything here that I don't even know where to begin!

She's very entertaining, often frustrating and teaches me life lessons on a daily basis. She also has a great sense of humour and cracks me up all the time.

People keep saying, "Well at least you survived The Terrible Twos." These are people who either don't have kids, or theirs are not yet 3 - as I'm finding 3 MUCH harder than 2 ever was.

At 2, she threw a few tantrums and demanded a lot of attention, but at 3 she's often like a demon with PMS! And so manipulative! It's exhausting. No wonder I don't have time to blog...


At 4:49 AM, Blogger Mandy said...

Aawww, she's so cute! Has she gone through that stage yet where all she wants is her dad? My godchild was a horror in that stage and then suddenly woke up one morning and all she wanted to be was a little princess and everything was totally about mummy!


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